A warm greetings from Oshu City! Here’s some of the recent “hot” ILC news in Oshu:
Oshu ILC City Development Vision

Chairperson of the Oshu ILC City Development Vision Establishment Committee Tomio Kikegawa (left) handing the finished vision to Oshu City Mayor Masaki Ozawa
The “Oshu ILC City Development Vision” has recently been completed. The vision outlines how to link our dreams for Oshu’s future with the ILC.
I was lucky enough to have a first-row seat view of a great deal of the process, from the initial workshop to get ideas from residents to working group meetings discussing city development and living support, medical care and education or industrial revitalization, to meetings finalizing the vision by the top establishment committee. The finished product has some really exciting ideas. The Japanese version has already been released on Oshu city’s website, and the English version will be uploaded soon, so please stay tuned!
New ILC Banners along Eki-dori Street!
Oshu ILC Promotion Division made some new banners along Eki-dori Street in front of Mizusawa station to promote awareness of the ILC and put them up on 4/26 and 4/27.
After careful thought, we decided on two messages: “ILCを東北に,” which means “Bring the ILC to Tohoku,” and “ILCとともに歩むまち,” which means “A City Moving Forward Together with the ILC.” The messages touch on our fervent hope for the ILC to become a reality, and our enthusiasm for working together with the ILC in the future.
About a week before, the news was broken to us that we, ILC Promotion Division staff, were going to put up the banners ourselves. It took two days, but by the end, Eki-dori Street was looking much prettier and our support of the ILC was all the more visible. As an added bonus, we had bonded with each other and gotten over our fear of heights through exposure.
This year people from all over Japan will come to Iwate (and to Oshu) for the National Sports Festival and National Sports Festival for People with Disabilities. This will be a great chance to raise awareness for the ILC project for people throughout Japan, so Oshu City will continue to find new ways to spread the word.
ILC Art at Isawa Junior High School Construction Site

Students from Isawa Nursery School with their creation (how many future researchers are in the picture? So excited to find out!)
Finally, on May 6, the Federation of Oshu City Councilors to Invite the ILC installed art about the ILC at the construction site for the new Isawa Junior High School.
The drawings for three of the pieces were made by students from Oyama, Natsuta and Wakayanagi Junior High Schools. The reason for this is actually pretty straightforward: in the future, those three junior high schools will be combined into Isawa Junior High School. The fourth piece was by Isawa Nursery School students. This nursery school is right across the road from the billboards. I really, really like the idea of getting children involved in something they’ll likely see every day to foster interest and a sense of ownership. There has been talk of expanding this project to include other schools, and I hope it does.
Do you have any tips on involving community children? Does your local physics research facility have children’s artwork projects? We’d love to hear about it (and see the pictures)! Please contact us at ilc(at)city.oshu.iwate.jp
奥州市から最近のILC関連の「ホットな」ニュースをお伝えします!奥州市ILCまちづくりビジョン [16号] 奥州市 トマス・アンナ