About Amanda Wayama

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International Communications Officer, Iwate Prefecture
In Iwate since 2009, Amanda is just about used to the cold Iwate winters. She likes spending her free time knitting (again, cold winters) and sampling craft beer from the region.

December 2018

  • 12.05.18 NEWS Eight mayors from Iwate and Miyagi submit a document to the SCJ’s ILC Committee to show that they stand in lockstep regarding the ILC
  • 12.03.18 NEWS The Oshu City ILC Promotion and Liaison Council reach their goal of 60,000 ILC Supporters
  • November 2018

  • 11.30.18 NEWS Scientists urge a change in heart on the ILC Committee’s wary opinion of the ILC – stressing the importance of the project
  • 11.29.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES ILC Relay ⑬
  • 11.28.18 NEWS Scientists and economic organizations ask for the ILC Committee to focus more on the effects of new technology
  • 11.26.18 NEWS The Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee will continue its debate on the ILC
  • 11.23.18 NEWS After the 11/14 SCJ committee meeting, MEXT says they will wait for a formal answer before starting towards the next step
  • 11.21.18 NEWS Members call for several corrections in the draft produced by Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee
  • 11.20.18 NEWS Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee’s draft calls out the challenge of cost-sharing but also recognizes significance of the ILC
  • 11.19.18 NEWS The Federation of Diet Members for the ILC to strengthen its call on the national government to make their decision within the year