About Amanda Wayama

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International Communications Officer, Iwate Prefecture
In Iwate since 2009, Amanda is just about used to the cold Iwate winters. She likes spending her free time knitting (again, cold winters) and sampling craft beer from the region.

November 2018

  • 11.16.18 NEWS Governor Tasso and prefectural assemblymen meet with Ministry officials and Diet members to urge them to make their position clear on international sharing of costs
  • 11.14.18 NEWS The Michinoku Associates Group donates 100,000 yen (~$1,000) to the Iwate ILC Promotion Council during this very important time for the ILC
  • 11.12.18 NEWS ILC-themed postcards for New Year’s now on sale
  • 11.09.18 NEWS At the governors’ meeting in Hokkaido, the 8 northern prefectures agree to push forth the ILC
  • 11.07.18 NEWS First-year students at Ichinoseki #2 High School debate how to build up their city for a future with the ILC
  • 11.05.18 NEWS Hon. Kaufmann of the German parliament visits the Kitakami site for the ILC, confirming his cooperation towards making the project a reality
  • 11.02.18 NEWS “The German government will favorably support the ILC” – Hon. Kaufmann of German parliament meets with Japanese Diet members
  • October 2018

  • 10.31.18 NEWS Yuki Abe wins the first-ever prize for the Ichinoseki National Institute of Technology from the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan
  • 10.24.18 NEWS Done with their hearings of experts, the ILC committee moves to creating their report
  • 10.17.18 NEWS U.S. Under-secretary for Science shows a cooperative attitude towards the ILC at a dialogue with Diet members – “I hope for the project to move forward”