About Amanda Wayama

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International Communications Officer, Iwate Prefecture
In Iwate since 2009, Amanda is just about used to the cold Iwate winters. She likes spending her free time knitting (again, cold winters) and sampling craft beer from the region.

October 2018

  • 10.15.18 NEWS Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso to visit Switzerland and France from October 16th
  • 10.12.18 NEWS The Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee meets again in Tokyo – opinions about how to deal with water drainage from the underground tunnel
  • 10.10.18 NEWS Science Council of Japan ILC Committee – Chair Iye hopes to end their discussions within the year
  • 10.01.18 NEWS Imagining an international place where you can do research – Morioka #1 HS students meet with researchers from Serbia
  • September 2018

  • 09.28.18 NEWS At a seminar in Ichinoseki, representatives from the Tohoku ILC Planning Office answer questions and ease anxieties held by local residents
  • 09.24.18 NEWS An ILC Liaison Council is formed by the FDMILC and LDP to strengthen efforts to encourage the national government to decide on the ILC
  • 09.21.18 NEWS Securing an ILC budget was pointed out as a source of contention at the Science Council’s 5th committee meeting
  • 09.19.18 NEWS A seminar on the ILC at Miyako Commercial High School
  • 09.17.18 NEWS A special exhibit on the ILC at the VACUUM 2018 expo in Yokohama – talking about the importance of the ILC in the greater Tokyo area
  • 09.14.18 NEWS The Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee’s 4th meeting: sorting out what points to debate