About Amanda Wayama

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International Communications Officer, Iwate Prefecture
In Iwate since 2009, Amanda is just about used to the cold Iwate winters. She likes spending her free time knitting (again, cold winters) and sampling craft beer from the region.

September 2018

  • 09.13.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES The ILC Relay ⑪
  • 09.10.18 NEWS ILC PR at a local beer festival
  • 09.07.18 NEWS Science Council of Japan ILC Committee hears from researchers about the scientific significance of the ILC project – but members call for more societal awareness
  • 09.06.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Content creator U Kimura brings a “kawaii” perspective as an ILC Supporter
  • 09.03.18 NEWS MEXT requests a budget of 260 million yen for accelerator science in fiscal year 2019 – same number as FY 2018
  • August 2018

  • 08.31.18 NEWS The working group within the Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee points out tech/safety issues – also evaluates the economic benefits of the ILC
  • 08.30.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES How do people stay fit in Japan?
  • 08.29.18 NEWS Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee debates on creating an organizational structure and dividing the costs internationally
  • 08.27.18 NEWS Deliberations by the Science Council of Japan ILC Committee to be done by autumn? The FDMILC to step up its efforts
  • 08.24.18 NEWS Criticism about ILC costs at the first meeting of the Science Council of Japan’s ILC committee – researchers stress the importance of the project