About Amanda Wayama

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International Communications Officer, Iwate Prefecture
In Iwate since 2009, Amanda is just about used to the cold Iwate winters. She likes spending her free time knitting (again, cold winters) and sampling craft beer from the region.

November 2017

  • 11.01.17 NEWS The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council shows off Tohoku’s zeal for the ILC in France at LCWS2017
  • October 2017

  • 10.31.17 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Breathtaking views at the Michinoku Coastal Trail
  • 10.20.17 NEWS Iwate Industrial Research Institute holds its annual Open Day – Children witness the power of science through hands-on experiments
  • 10.18.17 NEWS Former Iwate Governor Hiroya Masuda gives a speech in Morioka: “The national government must show their intentions on the ILC by next summer”
  • 10.16.17 NEWS ILC Seminar at Morioka #1 High School – Interest deepens in the mysteries of the universe
  • 10.13.17 NEWS Recent Nobel Prize Winner Barry Barish had visited the Kitakami site in Iwate in 2012 – local officials thrilled at the news
  • 10.11.17 NEWS Hoping to accept and transport larger containers at their port, Ofunato runs a test on public roads – Hope to use for the ILC as well
  • 10.09.17 NEWS A strong presentation by the middle school students who visited CERN
  • 10.06.17 NEWS The deadline for Japan’s decision on the ILC is summer 2018 – Prof. Yamashita speaks at a seminar in Morioka
  • 10.04.17 NEWS An ILC lecture for the students of Tairadate Elementary – Science will open the door to Iwate’s development