September 10, 2016
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Understand the ILC in 1 minute
The International Linear Collider will be the most advanced experimental facility in the world and be used to unlock the mysteries of the origin of the universe. Various agencies and organizations within Iwate have been working to get the ILC built in the area, so the people of Iwate tend to hear and see information about the ILC in their daily lives. But do you know what it’s for, and what it will do?
This symposium will give an easy-to-understand overview of the ILC and contents of its research. You don’t need to be a brainy science major to attend! We want to use this opportunity to tell you about the ILC and its significance.
Z-Hall in Oshu City (Oshu City’s Cultural Hall)
Google maps: Click here
400 people
How to reserve
Email or fax your name, telephone number, and number of people coming with you to
FAX: 0197-22-2533
Email: ilc(AT)
Symposium schedule
- Presentation “What will the ILC machine do?”
Dr. Junpei Fujimoto (KEK) - Panel discussion “The universe we observe; the universe we create – Searching for the secret of dark matter”
Panelists: Dr. Junpei Fujimoto, Ms. Rika Takahashi (Linear Collider Collaboration Communicator), Dr. Mareki Honma (Director of the Mizusawa VLBI at the National Astronomy Observatory), and local students