A unique aspect of Japanese culture is the large number of mascot characters who represent not just sports teams or companies, but towns and regions as well. Iwate, for instance, has characters known as Sobacchi for the prefecture as a whole, and Kero-Hira for southern Iwate. Oshu, where I live, has all manner of mascot characters, but no official one for the whole city. Until now!

Oshutaro, at your service.

Why A Mascot Character for Oshu?
I already mentioned that mascot characters show up in all sorts of places in Japan; there are a few reasons for this, in my opinion. For one thing, enjoying cute things is common with lots of people – no age limit or gender divide exists, so a quirky mascot may be used in a wide range of different settings. The idea is that, if a difficult subject has an adorable mascot, it becomes a bit easier for people to handle.
This thinking is reflected in the impetus for coming up with an official mascot for Oshu. According to the person in charge of developing our mascot, the main goals were to facilitate city promotion, and to refresh and update the stuffy image that city hall had.

It’s hard to take things too seriously when a silly mascot is involved.

As a member of the team that was involved in bringing this character into existence, I would like to talk a little bit about what that process was like.

The Process of Making Oshutaro a Reality
The creation team was made up of city employees in our 20s and 30s, from diverse departments, so as to generate a variety of opinions and thoughts. For the design, we commissioned manga artist Sensha Yoshida, who’s from Oshu originally, and the name “Oshutaro” was the result of a public call for ideas from local elementary and middle school students. In this way, we wanted to ensure that Oshutaro was a figure born from the creative minds of Oshu. And on May 10th, 2024, Oshu’s first official mascot character, Oshutaro, arrived!

Oshutaro next to their self-introduction.

What’s Next for Oshutaro?
Going forward, Oshutaro’s going to play an active role in city promotion – already, I can see them all over this city, which is very gratifying, as someone who was a part of the effort to create them. I’m looking forward to watching Oshutaro get more popular over time, and become a beloved figure in Oshu. I hope they’ll help to raise Oshu’s profile higher, and even get recognized in other countries.

Oshutaro and the Realization of the ILC
When it comes to the aim of one day realizing the ILC, one aspect that’s been pointed out as insufficient is our outreach to the general public. So as to improve this situation, we’ll be using this new character in the city newsletter and similar, to help promote the ILC to everybody. Oshutaro and I are going to be working together to advocate for the ILC, to communicate with lots of people about its meaning and impacts, and to hopefully make the ILC a reality.

As an alien, it’s fair to say Oshutaro is for the ILC!







