Today I’d like to take one step deeper and talk about what exactly you can do on a weekend or on a holiday vacation during your stay here in Ofunato. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly a tour guide specialist, and perhaps you may find many other places to visit without me having to share it with you. But I will say that this place I’ll be introducing is something you will definitely be interested in, and one of many reasons to why I say so is the variety of activities this place has to offer. But before we go into the details, allow me to talk a little bit about how Sanriku Active came about.
Sanriku Active was originally an elementary school in this area which had closed in 2016. Although it had avoided the direct tragedy of the Great East Japan Earthquake back in 2011, the decreasing population which lingers like a sore neck in rural Japan had resulted to the consolidation of the three schools in the area. Yet the school remains; since even if there are no kids, the cost to take it down is one problem and finding someone that will build something in its place is yet another problem.
Through vigorous discussions, contemplations, planning, twists and turns, up-and-downs, on October of 2020, approximately 5 years since its closure as a school, the facility was able to re-opened its doors.
The recycling of “abandoned” school is a project assisted by the Ministry of Education and under diligent procedures can gain subsidiary aid to utilize the school as a facility for the town or city.
The reopened school works in two parts. One half of the facility is maintained and operated by TXF LLC., a BMX company, which helped to rebuild a large sum of the old school property into a BMX course and skateboard park. Their main operation consists of maintaining the course and park in addition to utilizing this as a means to bring people to the city. The other half is owned by Sanriku Active a facility which provides a dormitory space for any visitors ranging from those visiting to utilize the BMX facility, hikers, tourists, and even locals! But not only do they provide lodging, they also provide many different kinds of activities using their own facility, the great outdoors, as well as other hands-on activities with the support from the locals that can be enjoyed during your stay here.
It’s not hard to assume for those who enjoy BMX to utilize a lodging space here as this is the only BMX facility in all of Tohoku that has a course certified to have tournament standards. But the numerous Sanriku Active tours, events, and activities is what makes this into a limitless network hub.
Available Activities: *Not limited to what is listed here.
1. Open Kitchen Cooking
You can utilize the home economics classroom kitchen to cook your own meal! If and when you choose to stay here, the open kitchen is generally available use (mind that you will need to clean up after yourself.) But aside from buying your own ingredients and cooking what you usually cook, there is a plan in which you can share this cooking experience with the locals and prepare local cuisine using local ingredients. Now, the catch here is that it is not limited to locally grown vegetables, but also locally grown seafood such as Scallops, Oysters, Sea Urchins, Salmons, and even Seaweeds. From my own experience this is probably one of the few places which has such service available.
2. Creative Cooking
The people involved in the management of this facility are… unique. In other words, they are willing to try things that may be hard to come across in the general household. Some of the cooking line-ups they have are, Pizza (using a handmade brick oven), outdoor BBQ, Sausage making, Soba noodle making, bread making, etc. Not too sure if this should be included in the same category, but one of the employees is also a coffee expert and will open an event where you can learn how to roast and mill your very own coffee!
3. Outdoor Activities/Tours
The activities which are available in these rural are not always exclusive to this area but in reality, I don’t think it always has to be so. With the ocean just off in the distance, the Sanriku Active has rental rods and other tools you may need for fishing! I dare say that the fish you can catch on the coast around these parts are splendid. Even fishers from inland-Iwate come all the way out to Ofunato to fish and is known to be one of the popular fishing points. Another activity I’d like to introduce is the Seaweed Shabu-Shabu tour where it is essentially a boat cruise where you take a look at seaweed aquaculture farm, pick up fresh seaweed, and savor it using a hot pot on a boat! Now, I know there are many other ways I can/should write this to seem more interesting than how it may sound, but I will definitely say that this is a must try activity. Of course, hiking is a great choice as well, as this facility is located right by the Michinoku Coastal Trail, and other activities such as BMX experience through TXF. LLC. and scuba diving provided by Diving Rias, Co. are also great choices!
Other eye-opening activities that is available, is a hands-on experience with a local Blacksmith! Unfortunately, you won’t be forging metal or hammering a sword, since this blacksmith specializes in aquaculture and fishing tools! Other season dependent and/or spontaneous activities includes those such as, outdoor sauna and camping!
(Some activities may need to be reserved in advance through an online portal.)
三陸アクティブの紹介 ※直接のリンクは英語版からご参照ください。今回の記事は、週末や休日中、この大船渡に滞在している間に具体的に何ができるのかについて、もう一歩踏み込んでお話したいと思います。とはいえ、私自身は観光ガイドの専門家でもなければ、もしかしたらご自身で探せば私が紹介しなくてもほかにも良いところがたくさん見つけられるかもしれませんが、これから紹介する場所は、間違いなく皆さんが興味を持つ場所だと確信しています。その多数ある理由の一つは、この場所が提供するアクティビティの豊富さです。はじめに、提供できるサービスの話に入る前に、三陸アクティブがどのようにして設立されたかについてお話します。
1. オープンキッチンを使用した手料理
2. 創作料理
3 野外アクティビティ・体験
こういった田舎で提供されるアクティビティの多くはその地域にちなんだものが多い傾向ではありますが、実際問題全てが必ずしもそうである必要はないと個人的には思っています。海が近い三陸アクティブでは、なんと釣り竿や釣り道具のレンタルも行っています!実際、控えめに言ってもこの辺りの海岸で釣れる魚は最高です。その言葉を証明するかのように、全国からもわざわざ遠い地の大船渡に釣りに来ており、人気の釣りポイントとしても知られています。また、更に紹介したい体験は、ワカメ養殖を見学し、新鮮なワカメを入手し、船上で食べるといった豪華なワカメしゃぶしゃぶツアーです!もっと魅力的に聞こえるような書き方があるとは思いますが、この体験は人生に一回は試すべきものだと思います。くわえて、この施設はみちのく潮風トレイルのすぐそばにあるため、ハイキングはもちろん、TXF, LLC. が提供するBMX体験やDiving Rias社が提供するスキューバダイビングなどのアクティビティも楽しめます!