It’s that time of the year again: the Iwate Sake Party, where some of the prefecture’s best sake, food and traditional performances can be experienced by all!

An initiative that started last year, this event aims to promote tourism in local breweries around the Morioka region by sharing the food and drink culture and showcasing production processes to the world. We covered the inaugural event in THE KITAKAMI TIMES last year, introducing the characteristics and history of sake production in the region.
(For that article, click the link below!)

In this article, we’ll go through all aspects of the event using last year’s photos.

Last year, the Iwate Sake Party was held from September 30th to October 1st, with a total of 115 different sake varieties, made mostly by breweries in the Morioka region, available for tasting. This included sakes made by prolific brewers in the prefectures, wines made with wild grapes, and beers that use hop grown locally. Visitors, even the sake connoisseurs, were able to make new discoveries by meeting the brewers, becoming acquainted with their products and seeing the dedication towards their craft.

Sakes that are usually hard to get a hold of, such as domestically made herb liquors and the gold prize winner of the Annual Japan Sake Awards, were also on offer, giving visitors a chance to try something new.

A total of 10,000 people experienced Iwate’s sake brewery culture over the two days it was held.

There was also plenty of food to try. While the Morioka area is famous for its three great noodles, we were able to show the world the many exceptional cuisines from all eight cities and towns in the region at the event. This included deep fried ground meat cutlets (menchi-katsu), dengaku tofu mochi, Shizukuishi beef skewers, and desserts including sweet soy sauce rice flour dumplings (mitarashi-yaki dango).

There were also plenty of events held on the day. Onlookers could be seen congratulating the person who won the bottle of top quality junmai daiginjo sake in the lottery event. On the main stage, there were traditional dances, such as sansa, talk shows and even a wanko soba competition, ensuring that visitors would be able to enjoy themselves between sake tastings. Despite the rain during the event, the spirits of the sake fans were not dampened, as the atmosphere remained lively until the end of both days.

Afterwards, many people gave positive feedback on the event, with around 90% saying that they wanted to participate again. Here are a few of their comments:

  • It was fun to be able to taste sakes from many brewers
  • I was able to learn about many different sakes
  • I came for the food and drink but the stage events were surprisingly good

This year, the event will be even bigger than last year, with more local breweries throughout the prefecture participating (26 of them!), including ALL of the breweries in the Morioka region. Foods made from local ingredients that pair well with sake will also be offered at the event, so please do come with plenty of room in your stomach! Yoshida Rui, a writer famous in the sake community for his charismatic prowess, will grace us with his presence on the first day to get the party started!

There will also be traditional performing arts on the stage again this year, including an open sansa dance event that anyone can join! The Sansa Festival brought life to the streets of Morioka in August, and will do so again at this event, so if you’re into fun festivities, don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Iwate Sake Party 2024 in Morioka, a showcase of Iwate’s food and culture through sake, will be held on October 5 th-6th. Please come and join us!

〇 Iwate Sake Party 2024 in Morioka Information
1 Event Dates and Times
Saturday October 5th – Sunday October 6th 11am – 5pm(ends at 4pm on the last day
2 Event Location
Morioka History and Culture Museum
(in Morioka Castle Ruins Park, Uchimaru 1-50, Morioka City)
3 Ticket Information (prices include tax)
Pre-sale tickets: 10 sake tasting tickets + water(3,000 yen)
Same day tickets: 10 sake tasting tickets     (3,500 yen)
※Pre-sale tickets can be purchased from Lawson, Ticket Pia, and ticket offices in   Kawatoku and Iwate Prefectural Office Co-op
4 Website
Iwate Prefectural Office Official Website (click here for more details!)



 本イベントは盛岡広域ならではの観光コンテンツである酒蔵ツーリズムの確立を推進するため、酒造り文化を中心に食や文化等の地域資源の魅力発信を目的とし、昨年初めて開催されたものです。THE KITAKAMI TIMESでも初開催を記念し、盛岡広域管内における酒造りの特徴、歴史とともにご紹介いたしました。
(そちらの模様については、令和5年9月掲載の「An Iwate First!!! ~Iwate Sake Party 2023 in Morioka~」を是非ご覧ください。) ※直接のリンクは英文をご参照願います。







〇 「いわて酒ノ宴2024inもりおか」概要
1 開催期間 
2 開催場所 
3 チケット販売(税込)
  当日チケット:試飲チケット10枚      (3,500円)
4 リンク先
  岩手県ホームページ(詳しくはこちらをチェック!) ※直接のリンクは英文をご参照願います。