From December 5-9, the 2016 LCWS conference was held in Morioka City in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Over 300 scientists and researchers gathered in Morioka, which was only a few hours’ drive away from the Kitakami candidate site for the ILC. During the week of LCWS, there were a number of workshops, presentations, and cultural events held, as well as a symposium for local residents, an exchange between students and researchers, and an industrial session where Japanese companies showcased their technology. There was also a visit to the candidate site for the ILC in the Kitakami mountains. All of this propelled us forward on the next step in realizing the ILC in Japan.
We’ve gathered translations of local newspaper articles as well as photographs of the LCWS week. Please click pictures to get a larger version.
For a look at the workshop itself, please visit the following links:
LC Newsline December 8, 2016 Issue
Pictures & newspaper translations also contributed by Anna Thomas (Oshu City ILC Promotion Division) and Nate Hill (Ichinoseki City ILC Promotion Division)
Opening Plenary
- Governor Tasso makes a speech
“The stable bedrock of the Kitakami site has sat quietly and untouched for a hundred million years. It is a precious treasure from Mother Earth that has been given to us for the future of mankind. The ILC will be a deeply significant project that will allow us to transcend borders as researchers from around the world come to the area to do their research.
Science was born and continues to develop from from the interaction between man and nature. Iwate, with our ideals of coexistence with nature and our rich culture, is truly a perfect site for your research. Iwate will work with you using everything in our power to realize the ILC.”
-Takuya Tasso, Governor of Iwate – opening plenary remarks

Researchers gather for the opening plenary
Hon. Takeo Kawamura’s speech at the opening plenary (courtesy of the LCWS 2016 Homepage)
All Iwate Fair
“Introducing Local Flavor at LCWS 2016 (Heian Costumes with Oshu City)” from Tanko Nichinichi
- Buttons for the ILC
- Coffee break!
- Hanamaki City looks like fun!
- Researchers try some matcha tea made during a traditional tea ceremony
- The All-Iwate Fair
- A larger Higgs-kun, Japanese mascot for the Higgs boson
- Sobacchi and Higgs-kun make an appearance at the Iwate booth!
- Anna Thomas talks about Oshu City with a researcher
- The ILC apples created by the students at Hanamaki Agricultural HS
- JA’s booth, with mouth-watering Iwate fruits, rice, and meat on display
- Oshu City and Ichinoseki City ILC staff at a booth showcasing the four cities in the candidate site
- Goods were also sold for Science Hello Kitty!
Welcome Reception
- The packed venue
- Cheers to the ILC!
- Researchers share friendly banter
- The ILC Club – a group of five middle school students who went to CERN this year
- Mayor of Morioka, Mr. Hiroaki Tanifuji gives a welcome speech
- LCC Director, Dr. Lyn Evans gives a welcome speech
- Mr. Kunihisa Yamura, head of the Iwate ILC Promotion Council, toasts to LCWS
- Mr. Takashi Kikuta, Head of the Morioka City Council gives a welcome speech
- Mr. Makoto Tamura, Head of the Prefectural Assembly gives a welcome speech
- The ILC Club presents on their trip to CERN
- The ILC Club presents on their trip to CERN
- The ILC Club presents on their trip to CERN
- Morioka’s Sansa Odori dance is performed for the guests
“There were around 270 LCWS participants in attendance and 50 people related to the realization of ILC in the Tohoku. The five students greeted everyone in English, and then confidently spoke about the region that would host the ILC as well as their own dreams.
Momoyo Sugawara (3rd year at Mizusawa MS, Oshu City) said, “The ILC will contribute to the progress of science and technology, and have a good effect on the economy. As people from around the whole world work together, this will also lead to peace.”
…Read the rest at “I want to learn about the origins of the universe” – Five middle school students talk about their dreams (and threw in some English as well!)” from Iwate Nippo
Prefectural Citizen’s Assembly on the ILC
…Read the rest at “ILC symposium for local residents held during LCWS” from Iwate Nichinichi
- Mr. Kunihisa Yamura gives a welcome speech
- Gov. Takuya Tasso gives a welcome speech
- Iwate Pref. University President, Atsuto Suzuki gives his lecture
- Prof. Masakazu Yoshioka, moderator
- Panel discussion
- Panelists from left to right: Vice Mayor of Morioka Mr. Mitsuhiko Sato, Mayor of Ichinoseki Mr. Osamu Katsube, Mayor of Oshu Mr. Masaki Ozawa, Vice Mayor of Kesennuma Mr. Ikuo Akagawa, Iwate Pref. Dept. of Policy and Regional Affairs Chief Mr. Hisashi Odaira
LCC Press Conference

New management team for the LCC
Press statement LCWS2016 (On LC Newsline)
Exhibition of local companies
“This exhibit includes domestic and overseas accelerated-related industries and civil engineering and construction companies…According to Office of Science and ILC Promotion Director Ikuo Kumagai, “We do want to appeal to researchers, but we also planned this exhibit so that businesses from Iwate and elsewhere could exchange information, and so this could become an opportunity for technical cooperation and collaboration in preparation for the ILC’s construction. We also want residents of Iwate to come and see the exhibit and be interested in the ILC which will be built with cutting-edge technologies.””
“Technology Supporting Research Facilities: Exhibition of 53 Companies from Iwate, Others (LCWS Venue)” from Tanko Nichinichi
Industrial Session
On December 6th, the industrial session was held as part of the LCWS 2016 program, with accelerator industry enterprises from throughout Japan and the rest of the world that showcased their technology. Around 200 researchers and representatives of related organizations attended. Along with showcasing company technology this was also an opportunity for exchange with researchers.
Industrial Session Reception
On Tuesday, December 6th, a reception was held following the Industrial Session. Around 250 people attended, from researchers to representatives of related organizations. At the event, members of the Miss Sansa team performed the traditional Sansa Odori dance to great applause. And the local sake was a big hit among foreign researchers!

DESY’s Dr. Marc Wenskat, Ms. Barbara Warmbein and Dr. Joachim Mnich pound rice to make “mochi”
Exchange event between local students and researchers
Read more at “Iwate Middle/High School Students Meet Linear Collider Researchers at International Conference in Morioka” from Iwate Nippo
- First, we heard from our guests about their lives and research
- Science! Physics! English!
- Ms. Talitha Bromwich (Oxford University)
- Prof. Philip Burrows (Oxford University)
- Prof. Michael Peskin (Stanford University)
- Ms. Nuria Fuster (IFIC)
- Students listening intently
- Ms. Anne Schuetz (DESY)
- The whole gang
Tour of the Kitakami site
“Some 350 researchers and staff from universities and particle physics institutes in 22 countries and regions around the world gathered for LCWS 2016, and about 100 of these took part in the bus tour to the candidate site, which included looking over the landscape in Daito near the proposed route for the ILC.
Participants also made a stop at the Ohara Civic Center, where granite boring samples, geological data, and 3D glasses for use with a large map of the Kitakami Mountains were on display, as were panels of local efforts being made to prepare for the ILC.”
Read more at “Visit by LCWS participants to the ILC candidate site” from Iwate Nichinichi
- Buses outside of Ohara Community Center (Ichinoseki City)
- At the Ohara Community Center, viewing the materials on display
- A 3D map of the site (use the goggles!)
- Sweets for the coffee break
- A nice chat
- ILC posters created by local students
- Cultural facts and festivals
- Geological survey of the Kitakami site
- Boring samples of the granite bedrock
- Let’s get this show on the road!
- Stepping foot onto part of the candidate site for the ILC.
- Hearing Associate Prof. Sanuki’s explanation
- ILC research could eventually be done right here!
- Posters can be seen in the background of this photo
- Even the local community is excited for the ILC
Other LCWS-related materials
Guide to Morioka City – English
Guide to Morioka City – Japanese
LCWS 2016 – Tours of sake breweries and craft workshops
LCWS 2016 – Exhibition of local companies
Newspaper translations
・Talking with LCC Director Lyn Evans – Expectations for the ILC (Iwate Nippo)
・On the highly important ILC, Japan must take leadership – An interview with Dr. Joachim Mnich, Chair of the ICFA (Iwate Nippo)
・Discussing staging strategies for the ILC – LCC Discussion (Iwate Nippo)
・Sharing an approach towards staging for the ILC – Talking with Prof. Hitoshi Yamamoto about results and future vision (Iwate Nippo)
・ILC symposium for local residents held during LCWS (Iwate Nichinichi)
・Visit by LCWS participants to the ILC candidate site (Iwate Nichinichi)
・Iwate Middle/High School Students Meet Linear Collider Researchers at International Conference in Morioka (Iwate Nippo)
…And check out the English articles put out by Iwate Nippo during the week of LCWS! (thanks to Ichinoseki and the ILC on Facebook)
LCWS 2016 を振り返るリニアコライダーワークショップ2016に参加したすべての方が岩手を満喫!